As part of the BUDDY WHITE ROOM 2.0 , we have also developed a character whose name is Kletis 2 Kool. Kletis 2 Kool will become the primary ambassador that will connect with young people starting at the third grade level, Among the messages that Kletis 2 Kool will relate are that sports are great, education is cooler.
Kletis 2 Kool will engage young people so they will be able to relate to education in real life scenarios. He will be able to speak the language of young individuals and encourage them to be more educationally focused and driven. He will be Tony the Tiger…..Barney……and Mickey Mouse all rolled into one. He will capture the hearts of young individuals and motivate them throughout their educational journey.
As such, we all know that superheroes need a theme song……
as does Kletis 2 Kool!!
He’s a friendly superhero that will change young students’ feelings about education in a way that they understand. Kletis 2 Kool encourages students in a friendly interactive way. He will motivate young individuals to be better students who will ultimately become more productive individuals serving as role models in the community.
All of this will be accomplished through positive reinforcement of education!